
Job 1:21-22

And said, naked came i out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall i return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

It must have been so painful for Job to have lost it all in a moment. All his material possessions and his children perished within a twinkle of an eye.

As you read the whole chapter, it is written from when he received the first bad news, “While he was yet speaking…” There was no rest or moment to think of what had happened let alone grieve as each bad news was being delivered…bumper to bumper bad news.

I can’t begin to imagine how Job’s heart broke into a million pieces as the worse than terrible news was being delivered to him one after the other.

Are you facing challenges? Is there no rest for you? Are you receiving one bad news after the other? I want to encourage you today…

You are not the first or last to go through that which you are facing. The Bible tells us nothing is new on the face of the earth so cheer up. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) There are people who have gone through the same thing and persevered and were steadfast and came out victorious…they were only able to do this with God by their side. So look to God and also learn from them.

Realise that if it is happening to you then God allowed it and if God allowed it then it means you can handle it. Remember that nothing happens to us as His children that He is not aware of. Instead of crying and trying to blackmail Him (we have been here before) how about you ask Him what does He want you to learn from that situation and ask Him to lead and guide you and give you wisdom to your point of breakthrough.

There are two reasons i know that God allows things to happen, either He will change the situation or change you…which will both result to the glory of His name.

Through the storm, God will either calm His child as the storm rages on or calm the storm for His child.

To be continued…



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